Installation Begins On The ETFE Roof
This week the first ETFE (ethylene tetra-flouro-ethylene) panels were placed on the stadium roof's south side. More than 245,000 square feet of the transparent, light-weight material will cover 60% of the stadium's roof, giving stadium users a clear view of the sky and an outdoor feel in a climate-controlled environment. The ETFE will continue to be placed for the next several months. The stadium is expected to be fully enclosed by November 1. For more information on ETFE, click here.
The Final Tower Crane Comes Down
The last of the stadium's five tower cranes was dismantled this week. The five cranes, the first of which was erected in January 2014, ranged in heights from 283 feet to 357 feet from event level. The overall reach of the tower cranes ranged from 230 feet to 267 feet.
The heaviest pick, weighing in at 43,800 pounds, was performed with Tower Crane #1 on the stadium's east side while working on the sloped buttress column.
Coach Zimmer Makes His First Visit To The Stadium Construction Site
Vikings Head Coach Mike Zimmer made his first visit to the new stadium construction site earlier today. During his trip, Zimmer checked out the current progress of the stadium, which stands at 53% complete. He saw the various views throughout the stadium, including what his will be at the field level as part of his guided tour. While discussing the various locations of locker rooms and tunnels, Zimmer managed to throw in a few tips on how this stadium can be used to his advantage. Check out next week for content related to today's site visit.
Later this summer the first seats will be installed at the new Vikings stadium, and that process got underway last week.

Seat Rails And Hand Rails Start Installation
The fan experience at the new stadium is starting to take shape as the seat rails are starting to be installed. Later this summer, the actual seats will be installed and this marks one of the first steps towards making that happen.
In addition, the hand rails in the seating sections have been installed in each of the staircases.
Book your appointment now at to secure your seats.